Who We Are
A people of the Word, who believe that the Bible is truth and is crucial to guiding our lives as believers.
A people of prayer, who value both individual and group prayer.
A people of God, where every believer is part of the priesthood of all believers, and live out deep, sincere, accountable and authentic covenantal relationships with God and each other.
A people of humility, who acknowledge and submit to God-ordained church leadership.
A people of worship, both private and publicly as a lifestyle, who live sacrificially and willingly surrender all things to God.
A people of generosity, with their time, treasures (money & possessions) and talents, because we serve a generous God who is the provider of all things.
A people of mission, who are sent into our community, country and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations.
A Trinitarian people, who view and relate to God as three distinct persons.
A people of love, loving God, loving each other within the church, and loving people outside of the church.
Our Mission
To serve the Kingdom of God through Reaching the Lost, Empowering the Found, and Building Life Together.
Our Vision
Reaching the Lost
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)
Balanced inward and outward focus, so that we can love one another the way Jesus calls us to (John 13:34-35) but also maintaining a Kingdom vision to reach the lost and fulfill the Great Commission.
Empowering the Found
Ensuring every soul is discipled to loving God with all soul, heart and mind, and loving others as yourself - and living a lifestyle that reflects that (Matthew 22:36-40).
Leadership training for different roles
Inside the local church setting (deacon, elder, worship leader, etc.)
Outside the local church setting (gathering to win in the workplace, leading neighbors in discipleship, etc.)
Equipping the body for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Every person gets to play a part using his/her giftings for the church body
Sending people out to fulfill God’s mission, to bloom where you have been planted.
Building Life Together
Fellowship together as believers (Acts 2:42-47)
Around scripture and truth,
Around prayer, for one another and for the mission of God, and
Around meals, including the Lord’s Supper.
Embodied through
Weekly Life Group,
Carrying out the mission of God together,
Constantly caring for one another with generous hearts,
And devoting ourselves to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.